
June 2024

NNC-LIN is delighted to support SV Wöhrden with football shirts, 25 footballs and ball bags as part of the European Championships. We are proud to support the local community and the football club. We wish SV Wöhrden lots of success and fun wearing their new kit!

SV Wöhrden

April 2024

Information tour for potential key accounts

Vertriebsreise Phoenix

December 2023

Read in the current issue of the magazine "Der Mittelstand. BVMW e.V. Bundesverband" the article

Deep freeze from the gas tank


October 2023

Article "Flüssiger Stickstoff sorgt für stabile Pharmaprodukte" in the trade magazin "PROZESSTECHNIK FÜR DIE CHEMIEINDUSTRIE" CAV 10/2023 

August 2023

Installation/Conversion into a deep freeze storage - part 2 - more on  YouTube


July 2023

We support Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter


July 2023

Installation/Conversion into a deep freeze storage (up to -150°C) - more on  YouTube


May 2023

Installation of a LN2 Tank - more on YouTube


April 2023

May 2021
NNC-Group - NNC-LIN MS UG - Latest - May 2021


November 14, 2024 – LAB-SUPPLY in Hamburg!

Meet us at our stand at the regional trade fair for instrumental analysis, laboratory technology, laboratory chemicals and life science – admission is free!
Free registration and further information at:

May 2023 - 11th National Biobank Symposium - more on YouTube

 May 2023 - 11th National Biobank Symposium


April 2023

MIT-Veranstaltung in Meldorf


December 2019 - 8th National Biobank Symposium



October 2019 - Europe Biobank Week 2019

NNC Stand Biobank Week Lübeck Poste AKELOP UKSH NNC Präsi Testzelle

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NNC-Group - NNC-LIN MS UG Logo
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Telefon+49 (0) 481 817 877 63

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